How Can You See God? - The Sermon on the Mount Series, PART 6

When we love, we often love expecting something in return. The next beatitude challenges that. In Matthew 5:8, Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Followers of Christ don’t love people to make them do something. They love with a pure heart, filled with the love of Jesus.

When we do something good for people, they may think we are trying to get them to do something. But because we know the generosity and mercy of Jesus, we can tell them, “I want nothing from you in return. I am doing this because it makes me happy to love you with the love of Christ.”

The beautiful promise in this beatitude from Jesus is that the pure in heart will see God. If we are a pipeline for the love of Christ with pure motives, we will see God meet the pain of hurting people with His goodness. The end of 1 John 4:16 encourages us to find this out: God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. Come love others generously and freely, expecting nothing but God Himself.

Apply it:

What motivates your life? What are the plans behind your work and relationships? Are they truly an expression of Jesus’ pure love?


Take a moment to pray, confessing any sins to our Father God that you need to confess. Ask Him to cleanse your heart and to give you opportunities to show His mercy to others.

This post is adapted from a lesson of the Mini Bible College, an online study of the whole Bible. We highly recommend their audio resources and written materials, available in many languages, to anyone who wants a stronger understanding of the Bible.