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Why was it important for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem?

December 13, 2022 christmasjesus

“These are the Scriptures that testify about me,” Jesus said of the books of the...

Why is it Important that Jesus Was Born to a Virgin?

December 06, 2022 christmasjesus

The Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to...

Come and Worship Jesus This Christmas

December 22, 2021 jesusGodBiblechristmasvideo

Now is the time of year that we think more about the birth of Jesus...

What Kind of Hope Does Jesus' Birth Offer the World?

December 20, 2021 christmasjesus

At Christmastime, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and all of the bright hope He...

See the Birth of Jesus in the Jesus Film!

December 18, 2021 christmasvideojesus

In the Jesus Film, taken from the Gospel of Luke, we can watch what it...