Filter byjesus

Are you Abiding In Him?

March 01, 2018 faithjesusBible

In John 15:4-5 Jesus says "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch...

Jesus Never Quits on You

February 02, 2018 videojesus

Is Jesus your savior? Who is Jesus? His miracles and teaching had people asking that 2,000...

3 Things We Receive Through Relationship With Jesus

September 28, 2017 jesus

In John 3, the disciples of John the Baptist feel threatened by Jesus. After all,...

Where In The Bible Does Jesus Say He Is God?

July 12, 2017 jesus

There are many verses in the Bible that confirm that Jesus is God. Colossians 2:9 explains that...

What is the True Meaning of Easter?

April 16, 2017 jesus

Easter is often celebrated with Easter bunnies and candy.  While these may be fun, they...

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

April 14, 2017 jesus

Jesus Christ was and is God’s Son.  He is God and is perfect and holy. ...

Easter is Coming!

April 09, 2017 jesus

Each year, we have the joy of celebrating Easter. Easter is the day that we...

Why Does the Date of Easter Change Every Year?

March 28, 2017 jesus

Every year, we celebrate Easter on a different day. Why is this?

Is Jesus Just a Prophet?

February 21, 2017 jesus

Jesus Christ is far greater than a prophet – He is the unique and only...