Filter byjesus

Will Jesus Come to Earth Again?

February 15, 2017 jesus

Jesus Christ came to this earth 2,000 years ago.  He was born of the Virgin...

Is Jesus Just One of Many Gods?

February 14, 2017 jesus

Jesus is not just one of many gods; He is God!  There is one God,...

What Are the Two Greatest Commandments?

February 06, 2017 jesus

There are many commandments in the Bible.  When Jesus was asked which was the greatest...

God's Plan to Save Us

February 02, 2017 new believersjesus

This is a story about you and God who loves you. We hope these 6...

Does God Really Want to Forgive Me?

November 16, 2016 jesusBible

When we sin, it’s easy to go down a slippery slope of shame and guilt...

What Did Jesus Do First After His Resurrection?

October 07, 2016 jesus

If you had been murdered as an innocent man, what would you do first if...

Thank You, Jesus!

October 05, 2016 worshipvideojesus

This is a song of thanks to Jesus for always showing up to be with...

Let's Rejoice in the Simple Gospel!

August 29, 2016 videojesus

This worship song reminds us to "rejoice in the simple gospel." 

Was Jesus Crucified On A Cross Or A Pole?

August 11, 2016 jesus

The cross has become the central symbol of Christianity, but why do some insist Jesus...