The Bible instructs us to praise and thank God. We are to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name…”
Here are 3 types of things you can thank and praise God for.
First, you can thank Him and praise Him and worship Him for who He is – for His great character. God is loving, and He is kind. He is gracious and forgiving. God is all-wise and all-powerful, and He is eternal. You can praise and worship God for who He is and for His wonderful character.
Second, you can thank and praise God for what He has done, including in your own life. Thank God for saving you, and for giving you life and a family; and for providing for you; and for the health, He has given you. Every good and perfect gift comes down from above, from God our heavenly Father. So you can thank God for all he has done for you and for your loved ones.
Third, you can thank and praise God by faith for what He is going to do in your life! The Bible says “Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God.)” You know that God will do wonderful things in your life. Let us praise Him in advance for His goodness and for the good that He will bring about for you and your family. In one of the battles in the Old Testament, it says that when the Israelites started praising God, God brought the victory.