How To Have Hope In God

We all want hope in our lives.  Here is how we can have true hope -- in God!

We all want to have hope for tomorrow and the future. Hope means life will be good in the future -- maybe even better than it is now! We want to have hope that our children will have a good life, and that things will be good.

The problem for us as humans is we often tend to put our hope in the wrong things. We like things we can control, or buy, or achieve. So we hope in money, or we hope our good looks will bring us success.  

Some of these things can indeed bring success, but it is often merely temporary. There is one true, eternal, strong, lasting place to put your hope -- and that is in God. God will never let you down. He has a wonderful plan for you, not only in this life, but for all eternity.  

God will protect you and provide for you, not only in this life, but in the next life as well. He sees around every corner and difficulty that you face. In His Son Jesus Christ you can find salvation, and forgiveness, and true freedom and victory.

So put your hope in God! He will never let you down.