My Prayer for Freedom from Depression

For those of us that have felt the heavy weight of depression, we know it can be completely paralyzing. Today, I want to come alongside you in your pain and heaviness. With Christ, we are not alone. 

Read this prayer out loud or silently to God - believing that He is with you...

My heavenly Father- 

Thank You for making me just as I am. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. You made me because You love me and wanted me to enjoy You. Right now, it's hard to enjoy anything... and it's hard to love myself. So, I'm asking you to breakthrough God! Remind me of Your love - be with me as my loving father!

I pray that this fog and heaviness would be lifted off. You promised a garment of praise for my heaviness. So, Lord - I give You all my heaviness and ask for praise and thankfulness to flow from my heart like water.

I pray I'd sense You bearing my burden for me. Jesus, I come unto You, weary and broken, trusting that You will give me strength. I'm asking You to bear this burden with me, God.

I pray You'd remind me that YOU are the one who first loved me. When I feel worthless, remind me that You loved me when I had nothing to offer You. I cannot earn Your love and You love me NO MATTER WHAT!

Lord Jesus, You're my friend that sticks closer than a brother. This depression has me feeling lonely. Jesus, You know what it feels like for everyone to abandon you in your dark hour. Will You just be with me? Let me sense Your presence now... as my friend who never leaves me.

Your word says, "Your gentleness has made me great." Help me to treat myself with the same grace and gentleness that You treat me with Father. Help me to think kind thoughts about myself and others, and to treat myself with patience, by Your Holy Spirit.

Thank You for loving me, Jesus.
