God never promised that our lives would be free of all stress and trouble, but He does promise us peace. Today, I want to come alongside of you by praying for your peace - no matter what you're facing today. Receive this prayer by reading it to God - silently or out loud!
Dear Lord,
This world doesn't feel like my home. I'm desperate for Your refuge. I run to You in my time of trouble, and trust that You're with me. (Psalm 9:9)
I pray that the peace that passes understanding would guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Every worry, every care I have on this earth, I give it to You God, because YOU care for me. (Phil 4:6-7)
I pray for the courage to face today. Jesus, You said that in this world I will have trials, but that You have overcome the world! Holy Spirit, give me peace and courage to know that You've fought my battles for me. All of my peace is in You alonr - not in what I can do. (John 16:33)
I fix my thoughts on YOU, Lord, because You are my peace. Quiet the frightened and anxious voices in my head and heart, by Your Spirit. (Isaiah 26:3)
I know YOU are with me. May I feel Your peace at all times and in every situation. Thank You God that You reign above all! (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Our Prince of Peace, I pray,