Have you ever not talked to God or not asked God for help with your problems because you think that He is too busy handling other people's problems? Problems that you see as more serious or more important than yours?
If you have ever felt like that stop and think about it! God is God for a reason, He's God because He can handle all of the world's problems at once. He is not a mere human who is able to feel like they have too much on their plate or too heavy a burden on their shoulders. It can be easy to forget who God is and that our Father is never too busy taking care of His other kids to care for you and me!
"casting ALL your anxieties on him, because HE cares for YOU." 1 Peter 5:7
"The Lord is near to ALL who call on him, to ALL who call on him in truth." Psalm 145:18
We serve a mighty-big amazing God! He loves us so much and He wants each of us to bring Him all of our concerns. He knows that we can't handle this life without Him and He created us to need Him. God is infinite and just like His love never runs out, either does His time for us!