Peter walked on water -- but then he fell. What happened?
One night, the disciples were in a boat on the water and they saw Jesus walking on the water near them! Peter said, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you" -- and Jesus said, "Come."
Peter, moved by faith, got out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus. By the power and grace of God, Peter was walking on water!
But then the problem started. Rather than keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus, Peter began to look instead at the wind -- and he became afraid. Now that his mind had switched from faith to fear, he began to sink in the water.
Jesus reached out His hand and caught Peter, and said "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" So He protected Peter.
The key lesson for us? Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the wind and the waves; walk in faith and do not doubt; and listen to Jesus! He will protect you.