Jesus said if we had faith as a mustard seed we could move mountains. How can this help you with your faith?
Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, if you had faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you."
What could He have meant? While it is only in heaven we will find out the whole truth about many mysteries, it may be possible to learn from the characteristics of a mustard seed some of what Jesus might have been referring to.
- The mustard seed is small. You may not need huge amounts of faith; but you do need some faith in your life to start!
- The mustard seed grows. The mustard seed grows from a tiny seed into a large tree in the garden. Your faith needs to grow!
- The mustard seed needs nutrition and sun and water to grow into a mighty tree. You need the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and Jesus in you to grow your faith into mountain moving faith!
- It takes time for a mustard seed to grow into a mighty tree. Jesus never said the mountain would move instantly; your faith may take time and you may need to persevere in faith to see God work the miracle and the mountain be thrown into the sea!