What Does Advent Mean?

We often hear the word Advent during this time of year. Do you know what the word means? Is it just a countdown to Christmas or is it something more?

The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus and means "coming" or "an appearing or coming into place." Advent is typically used to describe the four weeks time that starts on or close to Dec 1st and Christmas Eve.

Advent is a time that we prepare our hearts for the joyous celebration of the first coming of Jesus Christ as a helpless baby. Don't stop there though! It is important to remember that that helpless babe grew and became a man who not only changed the world but SAVED the world by dying on the cross for the sins of all mankind, He rose again and He will be coming again a second time. 

This Christmas season let's try to remember that there are two Advents to think about- Jesus' first coming to Earth and His second coming that we as Christ followers look forward to and that the whole earth longs for!